Thursday, September 17, 2015


Encores Consignment is happy to introduce you to our newest team member! 

As our sale has grown, both locally and into other cities, we have recognized the need for a new position to be filled. We would like to announce the addition of Levis Henshaw as our new manager for both the south and north sales. Levis will focus her attention on the toy/linens/equipment intake of the sale- both overseeing the intake process as well as training and supervising the volunteers in that area. Her expertise in this area will provide this aspect of the  sale with more consistency, efficiency, and overall organization. We are so happy to have her on board with us! Her helpful attitude and warm smile is something that we appreciate and value. Please join us in welcoming her in this role beginning in the spring of 2016.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Thank You!

Thank you again for a fantastic sale! We always have such a great sale at the Franklin Fieldhouse. We will be having our Spring/Summer sale sometime in February so make sure you are following us on Facebook and Twitter to get the latest updates when we announce our location and dates?

ANNOUNCEMENT: Levi's Henshaw will be joining us as manager for both North and South starting at our next sale. She will be focusing her expertise on toys, linens, and equipment as well as training our volunteers. Please join us in welcoming her!