Tuesday, August 5, 2014

$25 Gift Certificate Giveaway

How long does it take you to get your items ready for drop off? 

Leave a comment telling how long it takes and don't forget to include your first and last name.
You have until Thursday at 8pm.


  1. 5ish hours? I hang as the kids outgrow things and save my tagging for the week of drop off. -Laura Coons

  2. Oh days. As I get ready I go through all of our families clutter & decide what I'm keeping vs consign or donate. It's a ton of work but love our house is a little cleaner when I'm done. - Bridget coker

  3. I atarted sorting, hanging, pinning , and tagging back in May and I'm still working on some stuff!
    Katie Jones

  4. Erica Casey. Depends on how much but this time 2-3 hrs

  5. Oh dear. If I was an organized person, probably 1-2 hours. As it stands, about 7-8 ish. Every time I tell myself I'll do better. Hahaha!!
    Susan Peck

  6. Days! I need to ship off the littles to really get it done!

  7. Wanda Cox - I tag off and on year round....

  8. My first time consigning, and it took about 6 hours total for 117 items, working with a handicap of 3 kids ;) -Ann Bowman

  9. Oh forever...I keep stacks of clothes little bit has outgrown...then go through toys and household items. I'm usually still finding things as I walk out the door. -April Massey

  10. With a 14 month old and 4 year old - plus getting ready for his first day at PreK - it takes forever.. Usually about 2-3 weeks, with a couple hours a day. when they are busy playing or asleep :) - Heather Young

  11. A few weeks, working an hour or so a night. Unfortunately, I don't usually manage to get started until after the littles are in bed.
